Terms And Conditions

1. All booked packages are non refundable for the reason schedule changes for drivers is costly as they pre - book travel expenses to ensure we can keep delivery costs to a minimum.

2. All cars must have a full MOT and legal tyres. A driver will inspect this on arrival to the collection point and abort the move if the car is undriveable for legal reasons or not safe to drive.

3. All cars must be driveable with no defaults or engine management warning lights showing on display.

4. Breakdown and recovery costs are not the responsibility of Move Cars For You.com  - In the unlikley event of a breakdown it's the customers responsibility to organise recovery of the car and it's onward journey to the delivery point.


Drivers Terms And Conditions Whilst Operating For Move Cars For You.

1. Drivers must be professional at all times and complete jobs on time as arranged with the client.

2. Any road traffic delays should be reported immediately to movecarsforyou@gmail.com and directly with the end client.

3.  Moves taken on and not collected without 72 hours notice incur a £500 penalty - 50% paid to the end client.

4. All drivers should display trade plates at all times on the front and rear of the car/van.

5. Fourteen days notice should be given to Move Cars For You if a driver decides he no longer wishes to drive for Move Cars For You - In the event of no prior notice the last 14 days payments for completed moves will be witheld to cover previous training costs and incured expenses. This does not apply to drivers who have completed 2 years or more of drives for Move Cars For You or to drivers with prior agreement in writing to Move Cars For You.

6. Trade Plates at all times belong to Move Cars For You,  and should not at anytime be used for other work, such as 'private' jobs.

7. After the 14 day notice period, trade plates should be returned to Move Cars For You.